Carers Services
Eastwood Dementia Project
At the point of referral the Carers will automatically be placed on our Carers List and notified by monthly newsletter of centre based services for them, any forthcoming events, coffee mornings, carers education sessions, etc.
If you do not wish to be notified please contact the office to have your name removed from our list.
The coffee mornings take place at 10.30 a.m. on the first Thursday of every month. These meetings are open to family and friends as well as the general public. Staff is on hand to offer advice and support if needed.
We hold two lunches every year. One lunch is in June and the other is at Christmas. These events are always popular with our Carers, who enjoy meeting with other Carers in a social and relaxed environment. The Chief Executive of East Renfrewshire and the Director of Health & Social Care are always eager to meet carers and hear their views and opinions on the services provided within the community.
The centre enjoys excellent links with C.P.N’s and Social Workers and they hold blocks of six week, education sessions throughout the year from the centre. Carers can gain a greater insight into issues that cause them concern by having the relevant professional on hand to answer any questions.
Meetings are arranged throughout the year for Carers who are unable to attend day events due to other commitments or they find this time more convenient.
Carers can access information leaflets from the centre and if we don’t have the information you require we will order this for you. Carers are welcome to drop in at any time if they feel they need to talk or you can make an appointment for a particular time that suits you best either at the centre or in your own home.
We strive to ensure that your views, opinions and suggestions are what dictate the services offered. We do this by:
- Asking clients on an ongoing basis for their feedback when they attend the centre if they are receiving the services they require and for their suggestion of how the services can be improved.
- Face to face communication with carers when attending any events at the centre or at reviews. Also through questionnaires that cover all aspects of our service provision.
- Receiving emails at any time.
- Asking Health and Social Work staff for feedback on how the centre services integrate with their client’s needs and how they think we could improve.
- Informing carers of an annual meeting where they can contribute to the centre self evaluation that must be completed prior to our inspection by SCSWIS.